Tuesday 16 April 2013

Kenta Yumiya

Okay, first thing I have to say before starting this, I'm going to change it around slightly, I wasn't completely happy with the layout of Gingka's analysis, so I'm going to do it slightly differently:
I'm still going to do the season reviews but I'm going to keep them short, more like Gingka's season 2 and 3 length, and then below that, I'll do an overall analysis which will be longer, since I felt a bit limited with only discussing seasons, I'll include friendships and design notes and things like like that in there aswell, so it should be a lot more easier to navigate.

So with that, todays review will be of Kenta Yumiya:
Let's start this right now!

Season 1
Being completely honest, I wasn't too fond of Kenta in season 1, he's a sweet kid and all, and his kindness is definately something I look up to in a character, not to mention the fact that he's a lot braver than he first comes across as.

But I think the thing that stopped me from liking Kenta as much as I could have in season 1, was probably all the crying.
Now, don't get me wrong, there's absolutely nothing wrong at all with a character being particularly emotional and crying a lot, I have absolutely no problem with that, and I respect his character for being so open about it, but I think the problem came from his reasoning, he would cry at just about anything, and sometimes there wouldn't be any reason to, I would definately let him off for some of the time he's cried, he has been through a lot, but sometimes it just feels really unnecessary.

But on the plus side, it opens him up to a whole lot of character developement, the loyalty he shows to his friends into any situation for a start, I find it really admirable how far he would go for his friends, it's a nice trait to have, especially at a young age.

Overall for this season, I think Kenta is a really nice character, loyal, and always ready help anyone, he's a very admirable character, but I think the crying at most times wasn't needed, and it brings him down by quite a bit, only for the unnecessary reasons which it usually felt.
Score 7/10

Season 2

There really isn't a great deal for me to say about Kenta in season 2, he wasn't really present enough for him to do anything particularly noteworthy, I do kind of find that shame, I would've liked him to be a bigger part of season 2, so I do kind of find it a shame that he wasn't part of Team Gangan Galaxy. (I personally think it might've been better to put him in the team, maybe swapping him out for Tsubasa?) because I could just imagine so many cute interactions for each of them with Kenta, they all have sweet moments, and I find it a bit sad we couldn't get any of that due to lack of appearance.
Though we do get to see his talent for impressions...his Hikaru one is maybe a little...toooo...good.
At least he was around for some of the second half of the season, even if his role was very small.

Since he wasn't important enough to do anything this season, I'm not going to give him a score, since I don't think it's really possible to give a fair one based on what we've seen, I'll just use the score from the first two seasons, to decide.

Season 3

Well for this season, things change completely, Kenta decided he doesn't want to be the sidekick anymore and decides to travel to help in his own way.
I really liked the idea of this, because too often, there will always be a sidekick character, and I never seem to find them improving, so I like how kenta actually acknowledges that fact of his role, and sets out independantly to change it.
During this time, he begins travelling with Ryuga, which changes him completely, giving him new strength and a stronger attitiude, sure he still cries a fair amount like the first season, but this time, there are reasons, and they make complete sense, he doesn't just cry for any old reason anymore, and he clearly shows he's matured in that way.

Kenta manages to achieve a lot of things this season, and by the end of the season, he's become a completely different character and he accomplishes many things: a lot of which we never would of guessed watching him from the way he used to act previous to season 3, and by the end of the season, you can really see how far he's come in terms of character developement and maturity.
Overall, Kenta really matures this season, he gets a ton of character developement, and it changes his attitude completely, his good traits of trying to help his friends stays, it's the whole reason he decided to go on his journey and change this way, but it's great to see how he's finally become the kind of person he wants to be: Helpful and actually contributing a huge part to his friends efforts, he did absolutely everything right this season, and he just became an incredible character.
Score: 10/10
Design: Prior to season 3, Kenta had a very generic looking outfit, but to be honest, I do like the colours, it's bright. but in general his first design was very plain, it didn't really show anything special
He gets a change in design in season 3, which he definately needed a lot, especially for his new role, and I like his new design a lot more, it still carries most of the colours from his original outfit, and I really like that because it feels more like an update to his design, instead of an entire re-do.
His hair also seems to change slightly for season 3, in a different style, though it doesn't look too big of a change, it still fits to his overall character for season 3, his new look really fits his role well, so I really like it, a lot more than his original design.
(As I've previously mentioned with friendships, I'll post them on whoevers page I think will be the shortest overall, to even them up slightly, and since Kenta's season 2 review is so short, I figured most of Kenta's friendships should go on his page.)

Kenta and Gingka:
I love the bond between these two, they've been close from the very first episode, and I always love to see how much the bond between them increases as we go deeper into the series, it was even quoted in the show once that they were "So close it was like they were brothers."
Kenta's determination to help out Gingka in season 3, to the point of going as far as he went, shows an incredible friendship between the two of them, always prepared to help each other out in any situation, it's really sweet to watch.

Kenta and Yu:

I find the frienship between Kenta and Yu really adorable, this probably comes from them being of similar ages.
It begins with Kenta being friendly, but seemingly wary, which would make sense, with Yu's current role, but once Yu joins their team, it leads to a proper friendship, the way they're both so protective over each other is really cute to watch, I just find it sweet how they'll always put each other before themselves, it's a really sweet thing to have in a friendship, and they're both so young, so it just makes it even more admirable, they're just both very good friends to each other, and they have so many sweet moments.

I would make a note of Kenta and Ryuga also, but the show really explains it better than words can...that and it'd be so spoiler filled that it isn't worth talking about just yet, maybe on Ryuga's analysis, whenever that comes.

Personality and other notes:
As I've said before, the thing that stands out most for me is the character developement, he really matured a huge amount between the beginning and the end of the series.
It also shows on the outside too, during season 3, Kenta just grows so much between each season, and it was done really subtly, so it wasn't even particulary noticeable until the end of the series, comparing Kenta and Yu's height, since they're shown together quite a bit, shows it off the most:

Season 3
Season 1

Season 2

Despite probably not being at his best in season 1, Kenta still always stood up for his friends, and would always put them first, it's a very good trait of his, he always acts very protective

of all of his friends, even in an early episode, a part of a tower collapses and heads right for Madoka and Kenta, and Kenta responds by standing in front of her and trying to protect her...despite the fact that she's bigger than him and would probably stand more of a chance against it anyway, it's those kind of things that make him such a good character, because he will always think of his friends first, and the be so selfless like that, is a really nice thing to see in this show, it's something to look up to. Also, later on, when the group go to find Gingka, he shows so much concern over him, and is prepared to go through that huge journey, trying to find a place with no leads at all, prepared for anything, just to find his friend, there's another instance later, when he goes with Hyoma (Hyouma) to go save Yu, he goes straight into the main hq, and when he and Hyoma have to split up, he doesn't cower at all when he finds Doji, he just demands to have his friend back, and prepares to fight, which shows a lot of bravery on his character, and that's been there since the very first season, and it only gets better later.
During season 3, he shows so much courage, determination and fight in him, it's amazing to see how far he's come since the start of the series, out of everyone, I'd say he got the most character developement, and it was in such a good way, that improved his character so much, and made it really interesting to keep watching and see how much further he could progress.
Overall: Kenta is a really respectable character, in so many ways, prior to season 3, his bravery, kindness and loyalty made him stand him out, and after that, how much he grew and matured, and how much developement he got throughout the series, he's a very inspirational character.
Score: 8.5/10
That wraps up Kenta's analysis.
Hopefully the way this review was set out is more easier to navigate and more convenient, I definately found it easier to write, and this is how I'll be writing them out in future analyses, see you next time for the next review.
- Surii

1 comment:

  1. I know this is a very late comment, but really good analysis! I really liked it.
