Friday 12 April 2013

Beginning notes and set up

Hi everyone, we haven't begun just yet: this is just a few notes on how I plan to do these character analyses. (and also a test using this, since this is the first time I've ever done something like this (though I've always wanted to.))

So, as I've said on my profile, I'm going to be writing out analyses on characters from the Metal Fight Beyblade series, I'll be starting with the main character of the show for a start, I haven't decided the order after this, so if there's any characters in particular anybody wanted to hear reviews about, feel free to message me, and ask for the particular character you want, and I'll move them up to the top of the list. (No Zero-G characters yet, please, at least not until the lost episodes have aired later in the year, then I'll be more than happy to look into them too.)

So anyway, I'd like to get into how the blog will be set out:
I'll be looking into the characters individually, for the most part, and if there's any particular type of friendship/interaction I'd like to bring up, that are showing two characters or more, I'll post it on the character who I assume will have the shorter review in general.
About the length: I'd like to make them as long as I possibly can, so I'll be looking into everything I can, I'll be doing reviews for each season, and give each the character a score out of 10 for each season, (and I'll be sure not to be biased), at the end of the review, I'll put those together, and give an overall score, once again, out of 10. (If any characters from the first 3 seasons appeared in Zero-G, I'll make note of their appearence and role, but I wont give a score for that season, since there's less areas to score on.)

I'll be sure to add pictures when I'm making particular points that I'd like to show, but I need to make sure I know how to do this right, so, let's try and add a picture!!...let's see...yeahh...I have WAAAY too many pictures of MFB saved, so let's just go with any random one.

Okay, looks like that works fine!!

Oh yeah! another thing I wanted to say, spoilers: I'll TRY to keep the reviews as spoiler free as possible, but that really wont be possible in some cases, and in that situation, I'll mark spoilers next to the season, since spoilers come in different seasons for different characters, that way, anyone who hasn't seen it all, can avoid the seasons which come with spoilers. (I wont put any spoiler pictures on either, so you can just skip ahead without worrying about running into the something.

Was there anything else....nope, I think that's it.

So with that, I'll begin my analyses, starting with Gingka, as soon as possible, if there's any character you want in particular ahead of time, just message me, as I said.

Thank you in advance to anyone who reads the blog, I'm very excited about making it, so thank you for taking an interest.

- Surii

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